Is he your ‘Mr. Right’?

Is he your ‘Mr. Right’?

Hey dear,

How are you? We have not been in touch for a little while and I am thinking of you…

I believe that you have asked yourself this question many times as you looking for your perfect partner.

  • “What is the right type man for me?”
  • “How do I know if he is the right one?”
  • “I’m worried that I’ll waste time 6 month or 12 month down the track. So, how do I go about it? How will I know when I’ve found the right person?”

Knowing how to choose ‘Mr. Right’ can appear to be a huge challenge, particularly if you expect to meet your ideal man by chance.

Sadly, making a list of qualities you seek in a partner will not magically bring that person into reality. Also, even if that did work to bring in a guy who matched your criteria, how do you know he’s a good match for long-term love?

Most people don’t put much thought into choosing a partner until they’ve met someone who makes them feel everything. Then they jump in with both feet without first learning some crucial information.

When you focus on a person’s outer appearance – height, eye and hair color, education level, etc. – you miss out on who that person truly is.

Many of my clients have discovered that the guy who was shorter than the arbitrary height requirement they had set was actually the lovely, considerate, sexy guy they had always desired.

So, set aside your list. Instead, indulge along while we share a fresh perspective on how to find your ‘Mr. Right’.

1. Stop Over Thinking & Don’t Rush the Relationship

Many women are thinking too much before they even meeting up, and likely to rushing into a relationship right after the man gives the red light. They jump into the relationship before knowing who the man really is.

If you are over thinking of it, it will stop you from moving forward and miss out on opportunities or having some fun.

If you rush it, you wouldn’t see the clarity of his intention, you could confuse yourself between last and love.

2. Let Him be In Charge

If you don’t want to ask him, “Where are we going?” You will always let the man take charge. This does not imply that you are indifferent during the dating process. You, on the other hand, have veto rights!

If he is leading, he is moving the relationship ahead – you have the opportunity to respond. Feminine energy is receptive energy; it is not passive, and when you let the man lead, you will be aware of his motives at all times.

When you let a guy take charge, you’ll see that he desires a relationship with YOU rather than just companionship.

3. Learn Values Match

Longevity of a relationship starts from a shared set of values. When you have common values, it is easier to resolve disagreements that occur when you share similar goals.

Where someone spends their resources: time, energy, and money, reveals what they value; if they don’t spend on any resources, that it’s not valuable.

The real trick is that you can’t have a dialogue about what anyone values to learn something useful. It’s not that people mean to be manipulative; it’s just that our acts reflect what we believe.
You will learn what a guy values by dating him and paying attention to him over time.

4. Face Conflicts

Finding out how someone reacts when there is a tension will tell you whether you are capable of figuring it out together over time. When you’re in a relationship, you’ll struggles.

It’s easier to figure out early on how you can sort through problems with the man you’re dating than to wait until you’ve gone further and married. Not sure if he is ‘Mr. Right’? See how you can work on a disagreement together.

It is important to learn how to work beyond conflict in a manner that fosters a deeper relationship.

When there is a disagreement, pay attention to his actions. When looking for a decent husband, consider the following:

  • Does he shut down or shut you down?
  • Is he willing to understand you and allow room for you to express yourself?
  • Does he take accountability for his role?

You want a man who is able to work on conflicts with you and take responsibility for his actions. This is exactly what you want to have when you date someone.

Conflict does not imply that this person is “wrong” for you.

What matters is how you two deal with confrontation.

5. Be The Best You Can Be Yourself

If you don’t really show who you truly are, no one will ever love you for who you truly are. Being genuine seems to be easy until the chemistry is off the map, at which stage most people transform themselves into different person in an attempt to impress the other person at all costs.

When you’re trying to please the man you’re focusing on, you end up losing yourself.

But remember, your needs are important. There is no reason to compromise, but for many people, they tend to do it unconsciously.
Genuineness simply implies expressing your desires and feelings and there is nothing wrong with that.

You don’t have to hide any part of you, because at the end of the day, your soul mate will accept you for whoever you are, and if not, and then they are not ‘Mr. Right’.


Go toss the mile-long list into the window and take a new path to find your “Mr. Right”– one that gives you the opportunity to learn who he is, what he needs, and whether the two of you have what it takes to make it last.

And remember, Katherine Wei and her team at Contact AJ are always here to help you find soul-satisfying, long-lasting love.

Whether you are Single, Dating someone, Separated or devoiced, whatever your challenge are at moment in love or your life, Katherine has solutions for you.

With her over 30 years of studying, researching and consulting men and women for love and relationship, Katherine know everything about human types and behaviors,  relationship types and their values.

Please click here, to collect Katherine‘s Gift Pack you on “Love & Life”

yours in love & happiness;

Katherine Wei

Katherine Wei xo

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