
Tips For Couple Relationship Management

Relationships are like cars in that you have to do certain things to keep them running, especially when your goal is to strengthen and preserve your bond with your partner. openness, positivity, assurances, shared tasks, and a shared social network are strategies that couples can use to make their relationships better.

To “open up” your relationship is not only talking about your feelings but getting your partner to talk about what she is feeling as well.

Positivity entailed being a “fun” person and acting upbeat and cheerful as you interact with each other.

It’s also important to assure your partner that you’re in the relationship for the long haul, to divide household chores and responsibilities equally, and to make an effort to include your partner’s friends and family in some of your activities.

We found that person who practices one of these five strategies is more likely to practice the others as well. And a partner who notices that one of the strategies is being used is apt to be tuned in to their partner’s efforts in the other four areas and couples did improve their quality of an intimate relationship.

Katherine Wei

Katherine Wei

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